Clinton and the Media

This is not intended in any way an endorsement for Trump but is an examination of the collusion between mass media and the Democratic party.

Bias in media is an age old story. Anyone who has read any history would know that even before the ancient Greeks, the ‘spin’ has been used artfully to manipulate public opinion. The great I. F. Stone once said to the much lamented Christopher Hitchens when he first arrived in the US that it might be worth his while to read The Washington Post, because “it’s a great paper. You never know on what page you’ll find a page-one story.”

We like to think that, in the 21st century, with the increasingly disintermediated sources of information, that the average person is more cynical, wised-up, street-smart and immune to information gyrations. One might feel cautiously vindicated in this notion to notice that, in the recent referendum for the UK to leave the EU, despite all the major news and media outlets, even the conservative leaning Telegraph, being partisan towards remaining narrative (with the BBC shamelessly and flagrantly so), more British voters voted to leave the EU than have ever voted for anything in the history of the UK. Having looked into the debate and the issue surrounding the momentous decision, which you can find here:, one can only imagine what the outcome of the vote would have been if the balance of reportage was to have swung somewhat towards the bipartisan, objective centre which is the gold standard that the creed of journalism rightfully claims to be its ethos. 

Looking across the Atlantic, with the liberal-dominated media circus surrounding the open primaries and now moving into the main dish of the election, one has to conclude that the case in America is even less encouraging. The latest example perhaps takes the proverbial cake: The explosive revelation, or at least what should have been explosively splattered across every front page, taking up every column inch and every minute of talk shows, news analyses and interviews, is the disclosure through 20,000 leaked emails of the long suspected fashion in which the DNC has abandoned the democratic process and has indeed actively colluded with major media outlets such as MSNBC, NBC and Kenneth Vogel of Politico to sabotage the open primary process in favour of Hillary Clinton. This has led to the public disgrace and resignation of the chairman of the DNC Wasserman Schultz. The Clinton campaign did not even have the decency of pretending to be shocked. Instead of condemnation or a hint of apology or contrition, Clinton hired Wasserman Schultz, who blatantly violated the DNC charter, as a campaign manager. The replacement for the role of DNC chairman, by the way, is Donna Brazile, another who is a member of Hillary’s inner cabinet, who, in a leaked email, said she will “cuss out the Sanders camp.” This woman is the anointed ‘honest broker’ charged with answering to the Sanders supporters.

This story more than carries the malodorous scent of the infamous Watergate. It’s the intersection of the corruption of the DNC with the collusion of the mainstream media acting like megaphones for not only one party but one candidate. What has been done by the DNC traduces the democratic process and threatened to make America a banana republic. Instead, in most of the media, this meteorite barely made a ripple as headlines were grabbed by more important issues such as Melania Trump’s nude photo shoot some 15 years ago.

Naturally the idea that the primaries were rigged by their own party led many Democratic voters, not least the Sanders supporters, outraged. However, even then, if you watch the coverage of the DNC by the major news outlets, despite the distinctive booing and chants for Sanders and placards saying “Bernie or Bust”, the reporters smiled Panglossian smiles and congratulated each other on what a wonderfully harmonious atmosphere the DNC was. When Wasserman Schultz was almost booed off the stage, MSNBC reported it, with steely resolve not to look facts in the face, as “Wasserman Schultz receives cheers at Florida Delegation breakfast”. When Sanders himself capitulated and endorsed Clinton, he was booed by his own voters, who are so disgusted from the blatant Machiavellian political haggling behind the scenes (see Ben Shapiro’s video linked below). Little wonder, as a large proportion of his voters was drawn to his message of antiestablishment and anticorruption appeal. To see their man bending to the whims of a patently corrupt party that has actively jeopardised his own campaign must have been like seeing Trotsky kow-towing to Stalin or Che ingratiating it up with Batista.

On the flip side, the same media, who tried to paint Hillary into a saint through shameful, mendacious and desperate chaperoning, actively suppressed and glossed over many pivotal negative pieces regarding this candidate and potential future president. I admit that I never liked either of the Clintons and the reason for this dislike is because I know too much about them. And the only reason I know such things is because I did not rely on main stream media for my information. Keeping it topical and concentrating it in this century in the target-rich environment of why one might dislike the Clintons: Hillary lied under oath in the investigation regarding her using a private server for official and classified communications during her tenure as Secretary of State, stating that it was set up with regards to all regulations whereas it violated State Department protocols and federal laws. When handing over 30,000 emails to the State Department at the end of 2014, Clinton withheld and deleted over 30,000 emails, which since has been recovered by the FBI in early 2016. In March 2015, the Benghazi panel found that Clinton and her aides almost exclusively used her personal email and that her aides did not preserve emails either sent or received from her account as required by federal law.

Speaking of Benghazi, hacked emails show that she lied about the attack in 2012, which led to the deaths of four Americans, including ambassador Christopher Stevens. The 800 page report of the investigation showed that Ambassador Stevens repeatedly asked for additional security measures and was repeatedly denied by the Obama administration, some of the hundreds of appeals rejected in Clinton’s name. While the attack was happening, the Obama administration had a meeting where, instead of sending security forces to save lives (which did not happen for 8 hours), half the time, it being an election year, was spent on the narrative that they were going to push to the public to minimise the negative portrayal of their decision to invade Libya. The narrative manufactured was that the attack by Islamist forces was instigated by a YouTube video critical of Islam, a clear tactic of shifting blame as the Clinton emails show that she clearly knew that the video had nothing to do with the attack. However, Hillary was the first to introduce the narrative, as pointed out by Ohio Republican Jim Jordan. The maker of the film, an Egyptian Coptic Christian but naturalised American named Nakoula, was made the sacrificial goat of appeasement and promptly arrested. Ambassador Susan Rice went on cable channel chat shows to push this narrative, to the shock of State Department employees, many of whom testified that the video had nothing to do with the attack. Most importantly, the Obama administration stopped any investigation into weapon smuggling into Syria through Libya into the hands of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Clinton was on the board which decided on these sales of weapons. The reason why most of the public think that Benghazi is a non-issue is because the mass media has concocted a pact with Clinton and made it a non-issue by suppressing facts and spinning lies. They have decided what is fit for public consumption due to their adherence and subservience to a party ideology. Wikileaks has announced that more leaked emails will be coming and Assange has said that there are enough incriminating material to indict Clinton. 

So how did a supposedly free media become like this? Dr Goebbels of the National Socialist fame once remarked: "one of the purposes of Nazi propaganda was to provide an ostensible diversity behind which lies an actual uniformity." The attempt of the mainstream liberal media to create a consensus a thousand miles wide and a millimetre deep shows the complacency, mean spiritedness and solidarity in the face of their own power. Even the rest of the left leaning liberal media, not hand in hand with the Clinton campaign, has failed miserably. Their behaviour of taking things at face value with no follow up and no cynicism is the definition of what it is NOT to be a journalist.

The eagre public on either side of the political spectrum who greedily lap up the fabricated consensus because it fits in with their preloaded narratives should also bear some responsibility. There seems to be an increasing sense that the people should have a say on what news they want to be given in the way that focus groups would ask consumers about what types of sitcoms or reality shows they would prefer. News by definition is things you don't know and things you might not like. Journalists can't behave as if they are a flotsam in a cyclone of public opinion but need to grow a spine and report on things for their intrinsic value.

The consuming public on the other hand needs to sharpen their scepticism and hone their sense of cynicism. The danger is to become what Orwell wrote of the nationalist who "... not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them."

Christopher Hitchens, excoriating radical to the end, wrote in his book ‘Letters to a Young Contrarian’, “Be suspicious of all those who employ the term 'we' or 'us' without your permission. This is a form of surreptitious conscription ... Always ask who this 'we' is; as often as not it's an attempt to smuggle tribalism through the customs.” (Hitchens recalls in his memoir ‘Hitch 22’ that his friend Martin Walker had once published a critical book in America on Clinton (William Jefferson) entitled ‘The President We Deserve’. He subsequently reprinted it in England, with the title ‘The President They Deserve’.) In other words, ask yourself how you know what you know. How did you come to possess the particular construct of knowledge and narrative. Did you spend enough time establishing first principles and have you engaged with the opposing view at all? Never satisfy yourself with the false security of consensus. And above all, not to succumb to the cancer of public discourse that is spreading especially among the millennials – don’t be offended at a drop of a hat. It is not an argument and makes you look prematurely foolish.

Articles on collusion between DNC and media outlets and undermining Sanders

Clinton hires Wasserman Schultz

Mayhem at the DNC

On Donna Brazile

Arming rebels in Libya and Syria 

NY Times continued misreporting on Benghazi


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